Monday 2 November 2015

Why I Joined: Marion Malcolm

Contining the series of posts introducing the Study Tour team, over to you Marion....

I have worked in further and higher education for most of my career in a variety of roles, all of them customer facing.  I currently have two roles within the University of Aberdeen – as a Business Manager in the Health Services Research Unit ( and as a Business Improvement Specialist in the BI team (

Throughout my career I have gained knowledge and expertise via personal research and undertaken skills development and personal development through a variety of formal and informal courses, workshops and seminars.  However my personal development and knowledge of the higher education sector has mostly been UK based and I am looking forward to experiencing a European study tour to give insights into higher education in The Netherlands and Belgium. 

Ruth Coomber and I will be leading Tour Theme 2: The impact of research and changes in research funding on the HE sector.  I am particularly interested in the research strategies and environments of the institutions that we will be visiting and will be hoping to bring back some “best practice” to the UK and my own personal work areas.  I also hope that I can share some of my knowledge and connections with colleagues in The Netherlands and Belgium. 

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